Passionate advocate for constitutional rights. Committed to keeping government at bay and protecting taxpayers. Dedicated to uncovering waste and corruption. Representing everyone in my district.

My Background



Jack of all trades!


Montana State University, Lane Community College,, Lulea University, and Northern Montana College.


Associates Degree in Aviation Technology, FAA certificates in Airframe and Powerplant, shot expert in the Army Reserve, wrote "Wrath of the Dodo" Father of four, married 27 years, farmed and ranched for 31 years.



Leading efforts to protect constitutional rights.

This was a great rally we filled the entire lawn with supporters from end to end. Gun owners are great people, when everyone left there was not one piece of trash to pick up!

Pet peeve: The newspaper reported we had scores of people, I counted over 300!

The crowd at our Billings Gun Rally

My daughter and I meeting with Senator Daines to discuss the loss of civil liberties during the Covid crisis. Choral and I traveled with the Freedom Convoy from Billings, Montana to Washington, DC.

Meeting Rand Paul!

It was really exciting to meet such a Freedom warrior. We drove all the way to Missoula to meet Dr. Paul

Meeting Kimberly Guilfoyle

We attended a Rosendale fundraiser in Missoula and met Kimberly Guilfoyle and Donald Trump JR, he is in the background in this picture.


Opposing divisive woke culture and championing free speech.